Seattle Public Schools

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School Board Engagement Opportunities for Next Strategic Plan

Share your input and ideas with the Seattle School Board about the next strategic plan.
Black College Expo attendees standing on a stage.

Student Scholarships Awarded at Black College Expo

More than $7 million in scholarships awarded to students at this year\'s Black College Expo in November 2023!…

Affirming Our LGBTQIA+ Community

Seattle Public Schools is committed to our Seattle Excellence strategic plan goal to provide safe and welcoming environments for all our students and…

Honoring Observation of Ramadan 

Seattle Public Schools affirms and supports our students from all faith backgrounds.
A student with a microphone stands on a stage during an event, several students stand behind the student on the stage.

Kingmakers Crowning Ceremony

The Office of African American Male Achievement (AAMA) recognized students in the Kingmakers program with a Crowning Ceremony.
A group of students sits together near the Hampton University sign

WHOLE Mentoring Spring Break College Tours

Students in the WHOLE Mentoring program spent their spring break touring historically Black colleges and universities.
Three adults stand in a school classroom during the math carnival.

Mercer Math Carnival

Mercer International Middle School’s Math Carnival gives families an opportunity to have fun while doing math with their students.
A parent watches a student as she works on a project in a classroom

Family Literacy Connectors

Family Literacy Connectors help schools build welcoming literacy environments for families, bridging instruction and practices between school and home…
A group of students listens to a Microsoft staff

Student Visit to Microsoft for Career Exploration and Mentorship

Students in the WHOLE Mentoring Program traveled to the Microsoft campus for a lesson in career exploration and the benefits of mentorship.
Three student gather while a teacher and school leader get a classroom activity set up

John Hay Social Justice Moments 

Students at John Hay Elementary learn about different cultures through Social Justice Moments …